Tuesday 3 May 2016

India Can Undergo Better Education with RTE: Reports

The Right to Education Act is being said full with good and bad perspectives. Due to its primary concern to spread compulsory education to the children aged 6 to 14 years-old, RTE Act is thought to bring the ‘social class together’. Also, merging all the social classes, considered as the good perspective of RTE act, the other side of reservations for the backward classes was seen giving a negative impact.

Following the RTE as a tool for ‘social transformation,’ it is also said that education is also leading to ‘obstruction social transformation,’ thanks to reservation. With countless numbers of lower class and underprivileged students in the batch, the government initiative ‘to make Government schools in the national capital as good as the private schools’ is mounting.
A report released upon school education from diverse region of the country said that government schools ‘harbor rank discrimination’ where the lower caste children are treated unequally and also is not allowed to participate in cultural programs.
“Specific instances do not have to be quoted here; as they are available readily and in abundance on the Internet. Indian schools, concludes a study on the subject, are often sites of extreme forms of discrimination,” said a researcher working to search the reason of increasing school drop outs among Dalit and Adivasi children. Report is that trauma is considered as one of the main reason of school dropout among students facilitative with reservation.
Reservations in school and educational institutions have ‘indeed helped several communities move out of backwardness.’ But also some are found to be ‘cornered’ and taking advantages. ‘There is nothing wrong in affirmative action programs, but the reason why so many communities want to be declared as ‘backward’ points to the fact that the system needs some serious tweaking’ sources said.

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