Thursday 5 May 2016

Aleppo: USA & Russia Reach Deal On Ceasefire

Aleppo: USA reached on an agreement with Russia to extend a ceasefire in the Aleppo province of Syria.
The expansion went into effect on Wednesday just after midnight in Damascus (02:00 GMT), the State Department said, noting an “overall decrease in violence” since then, despite some continued fighting.
The Syrian army confirmed the ceasefire, saying there would be a “regime of calm” in Aleppo for 48 hours, Russian ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin told the UN Security Council.
The US is coordinating with Russia to finalize monitoring efforts for the ceasefire and calls on all parties to abide by the agreement. 
The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs chief Stephen O’Brien told the UN Security Council that the killing of civilians in Aleppo “cannot and will not be forgotten”, warning that perpetrators will be held accountable. O’Brien gave a rundown of deadly incidents in which residential areas, medical facilities and ambulances were targeted by government war planes and non-state shelling. “Some of these acts amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity,” O’Brien said in New York.
Activists and rebels said at least 250 people have been killed in the fighting in Aleppo in the past 10 days. On Wednesday, dozens of people were killed in a day-long battle in western Aleppo that was still going on intermittently, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and sources on both sides said.Sources loyal to the Syrian government gave conflicting accounts of the outcome of the battle that began early on Tuesday in and around the Jamiat al-Zahraa area of western Aleppo.

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