Thursday 7 July 2016

More UK Property Funds Suspended As Brexit Terror Continues

UK property funds with about 18 billion pounds ($23.4 billion) of assets froze withdrawals as investors sought to dump real estate holdings in the aftermath of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union (EU).

Henderson Global Investors, Columbia Threadneedle Investments and Canada Life suspended trading in at least 5.7 billion pounds of funds on Wednesday. Aberdeen Fund Managers Ltd. cut the value of a property fund by 17 percent and suspended redemption, so that investors who asked for their money back have time to reconsider. Investors are pulling money from U.K. property funds as analysts warn that London office values could fall by as much as 20 percent within three years of the country leaving the EU.
The funds pulled down the shutters after a wave of investors asked for their money back amid speculation about a possible drop in commercial property prices in reaction to the result of the June 23 referendum. That in turn has raised concerns about the outlook for the broader financial system, given the risk of investors bailing out of other asset classes in a panic and of lenders to the sector such as banks suffering fresh balance sheet stress.
Investors pulled money from real estate funds in the lead up to the vote, depleting cash levels. Standard Life Investments was the first money manager to halt withdrawals on Monday, followed by Aviva Investors and M&G Investments. About 24.5 billion pounds is allocated to UK real estate funds, according to the Investment Association.

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