Monday 20 June 2016

Militant Responsible For Killing Bloggers And Activists In Bangladesh Were Shot Dead By Police

Dhaka: The Bangladesh police on Sunday have shot dead a 19-years-old Islamist militant who was found in the lead role with killings of several blogger and gay rights activists. The militant was also among the prime suspect in killing the Bangladeshi-American blogger Avijit Roy back at 2015.

Sources from the Dhaka police said that the militant was one among the six suspects who murdered Roy. Following the shootout, Masudur Rahman, Dhaka deputy police commissioner, held a press conference and confirmed the death of the militant.
The militant, known as Sharif, was a member of the banned Ansarullah Bangla group. Sharif, who was also known as Hadi, was killed in the Khilgaon district of Dhaka. Reports are that the he was also found responsible of killing two gay rights activists, four bloggers and one publisher in April, 2016. Bangladesh police had announced a reward of $6,500 (£4,454) for his capture.
With an estimated 160 million of Muslim population, Bangladesh is alarmed for the last couple of years and was struggling to control attacks to members from regional minority groups, atheists and bloggers. Amid an international pressure to take a hold on the attack, it was only this month when an immediate crackdown of force was ordered and an arrest of more than 11,000 suspects was made.

However, the mass arrest has upsurge the human rights activists’ claiming that hundreds of innocent people were detained.

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