Friday 29 April 2016

Men Threatened With ‘Breadwinner’ Status, Self-Harm Threatens

In a recent research conducted by the University of Oxford Centre for Suicide Research, said that due to a clash into the traditional gender roles, men are facing depression as they struggle to ‘fulfill the traditional breadwinner roles’. Following the gender collision, the study has found that self harm rates among men are rising and rising steadily from 2008.
In a traditional manner, men are always framed and ‘socialized’ to perform as a bread earner of the family and become successful financially. A deviation from the status, as the study noted, is likely to drive them into intense distress.

Study author Professor Keith Hawton said: “The problems that occur following economic downturn and may therefore increase the risk of suicidal behavior are multiple. They include fears of job loss, actual job loss, financial problems, impact on families and relationships, and, probably, increased use of alcohol.”
Also, Hawton added that because men are primarily related to responsible for their families, the impact of lower income and lower wedges is leading them to a dreadful decision- increasing the suicidal behavior in them. “However, the key place of work to the self-esteem of many men may mean that loss of work, or threatened loss of work, has a greater impact,” the study asserted.
With the pace of losing jobs and lack of qualification compared to fellow women, one out of seven men develops depression in every six months.

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